Cycling, Coding, and LEGO

  • Migrating Unifi Controller

    I have a VM at home that runs Windows 2008 and I put the Ubiquiti controller on it and stood up first one and then another AP to provide wireless all over my house. For obvious reasons I need to move away from Windows 2008 and looking at the resources on my host, thought moving…

  • Protected: Liege Spring Trip

    Protected: Liege Spring Trip

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  • More on Gerrymandering It seems like changing who you represent can change how you represent. I’ll try to keep an eye on this stuff and report back on what I find.

  • A better way to cheat at voting

    I was flipping thru Facebook a little while ago and a few things popped up together: this is actually what america would look like without gerrymandering and Schwarzenegger rips gerrymandering congress. This got me to thinking, what could I do? I reached out to my local representative and am waiting a response. In the meantime I started…

  • parse array for valid usernames

    I was helping a colleague with a list of email addresses and trying to get a valid username out of it. He is going to get a list of emails every week so writing a script to parse it out for him seemed the best idea. This is only part of the process; there are…