Category: Web

  • pi-hole in a Container

    Man, what a struggle! I’ve been running close to the datacap for most of the year and figured, if I block the ads, and particularly the video ads, I gotta same some data. You can see how I’ve slowly been building out my containerized workload; this should be a snap! I found a ton of…

  • Password Generator

    I was playing with this a year ago when I started a new job. The boss said to use two words, a number, and a symbol- this would make a easy to remember password for users, including us! With that in mind, I grabbed a list of 4 and 5 letter words. Put them in…

  • PowerShell Regex Matching

    I was working on a project where I needed to understand the naming convention for the servers. Since they had been made by several teams over several years, there was no convention. It was a giant pain in the ass. I wrote a function that would accept the server name and then try to parse…

  • Managing Containers with Portainer

    I’ve detailed how to get Portainer and a Portainer Edge agent installed on two separate hosts, but now what? To add containers, I think using Stacks is the way to go. You can see an overview of Stacks here. Additionally, if you are cool with the defaults, there are pre-built Stacks labeled as App Templates.…

  • How to install Portainer with multiple nodes

    How to install Portainer with multiple nodes

    Prerequisites To get multiple nodes, I am using both a VM on my host and Docker on my Synology. To that end, these instructions will be based off of what I am using. I’ll cover the steps from once you have Synology up and running as well as a Linux VM running Ubuntu. For sizing…