Password Generator

I was playing with this a year ago when I started a new job. The boss said to use two words, a number, and a symbol- this would make a easy to remember password for users, including us! With that in mind, I grabbed a list of 4 and 5 letter words. Put them in an array and built a little something in PowerShell to spit out passwords.

Then, I thought, why not put this on the web?! With Cloudflare workers, I can put some javascript out there, run it on their servers, fast connections, easy to manage- why not! So I built It was a page that pulled the password from a static list. There was some API access and you could chose to have symbols or not, numbers or not, or 6 letter words for a longer password.

After 9 months, I returned to it and was able to add the slider to allow dynamic password lengths, as well as checkboxes to subtract symbols or numbers from the password.

I hope you can make a better password with this!



